So we’ve all been there – we find a new pair of funky colourful socks (normally Persona socks) and we wear them with so much happiness. But once they go into that magical box called a washing machine, something happens and the left and right sock decide to go their separate ways. Even Sherlock Holmes would be unable to figure out the mystery of the missing sock!

So with that in mind, we’ve compiled Persona’s Practical List to Protecting Your Socks (i.e. a list of ways you can make sure you don’t lose your socks when they go into the washing machine).
The first way is to pair your socks together! That’s right, it may sound super simple but that’s because it is. You can use a clip or a rubber band or even folder them together – if you keep them paired up, there’s no way you will lose them!
Persona’s practical protective second measure is to use a mesh bag to put your socks in! Put all of the socks you want (that’s right, not just the one pair, it could be many pairs!) into a mesh bag and then place that mesh bag into the washing machine. The machine will do all of its washing magic and hey presto, once complete, you’ll have a clean bag of socks and none of them will be lost!
The solo sock session is our third suggestion for keeping your socks together is to have a washing session dedicated just to socks! That’s right – keep your socks aside so that you can do them all in one wash. That way, whatever goes in, must come out and you’ll be able to confirm that there isn’t a magical escape route hidden in your machine!

Our fourth and final solution, isn’t a solution to not losing them in the wash, but rather it’s a solution a la when life gives you lemons. So without further ado, Persona’s practical protective fourth measure is to express your Persona – just odd sock it! Whether you have to wear one striped sock with one polka dot sock or one animal pattern sock with a fruit design sock, you do you boo! As long as all of your socks are fun and colourful socks, they will still look great together, regardless of the patterns you pair together! If you're looking for inspiration, we have a whole sock drawer of great designs for you!